LP Insurance Services January 2013 Risk Management Seminar
LP Insurance Services Presents:
January 2013
Risk Management Seminar
Thursday, January 24, 2013 from 10:30am until 3 pm at the Airport Plaza.
Lunch Included
What: Expert Risk Management Advice
Morning Session (10:30 to 12pm):
1. Employee Safety: OSHA 300 Log
Speaker: Don Graham – Jensen Precast
Lunch Session (12pm to 1pm):
2. Legislative Update: Employee Benefits, Construction & LP Insurance Risk Management Center
Speakers: Lloyd Barnes, Matt Ennis, Lee Wilson, Rich Bullard – LP Insurance Services
Afternoon Session (1pm to 3pm):
3. Employee Benefits: Health Care Reform Update
Speaker: Sheldon Emmer – Emme & Graeber, A Law Corporation
RSVP – Please respond for both or either session and include your choice of lunch entree (BBQ Beef Sandwich or Plaza Club Sandwich) by January 10, 2013
Please call (775) 996-6000 for additional Information