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LP Insurance Services, Inc. Enterprise Risk Management Seminar Series

Sep 29, 2014|by LP Insurance Services, LLC.

LP Insurance Services, Inc. Enterprise Risk Management Seminar Series Hosts “Affordable Care Act 2015 Employer Issues and The 7 Habits of Successful Workers’ Comp Programs”

SACRAMENTO. – September 26, 2014 – LP Insurance Services, Inc. proudly continues its Enterprise Risk Management Seminar series, hosting clients and guests at their new Gold River, Calif. offices.

The most recent Sacramento-area seminar, held earlier this month, covered workers’ compensation as well as 2015 changes to the Affordable Care Act. Attendees heard from David Cisneros, Chief Risk Officer of LP Insurance and Kevin Monaghan, LP Insurance Employee Benefits expert.

Guests learned about best practices for Workers’ Compensation programs and policies. “I was moved to take action right away,” said Tammy Borja, Payroll Administrator with S.W. Allen Construction in Sacramento. “We now plan to conduct an annual acknowledgement of our Workers’ Comp policy rather than upon hiring only.”

In addition, invitees heard about issues facing employers regarding the 2015 Affordable Care Act. Todd Lewis of Tricorp Hearn Construction in Gold River, Calif., said, “Learning about the upcoming ACA changes was helpful. There are so many modifications to the program that it can get confusing and so any information is useful.”

LP’s seminar series is conducted regularly and allows invited guests the opportunity to learn about timely business topics from industry leaders. For details, contact an LP broker today at

LP Insurance Services, Inc. specializes in Enterprise-wide Risk Management services, Property, Casualty, and Surety, Workers ’ Compensation, Employee Benefits and Medical Practice liability. Headquartered in Reno, Nev., LP Insurance also has offices in Elko, Nev., Las Vegas, Sacramento and Truckee, Calif. With more than 100 employees, LP Insurance proudly serves clients throughout Nevada and northern California. For more information, please visit